Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Low Carb List

My new blog is finally underway! I have been rushing around the last few days trying to get things together for a work convention. It is hectic in the letterpress industry. I love my job though, almost as much as I love my low carb goodies. We have such a great team, I love going to work and learning new things. The convention is at the convention center in Baltimore Maryland. The venue is nice and there will be some great faces I haven't seen since last year. 

With all of that almost finished, I have found some great new low carb food online. I have been in a peanut butter kick lately, eating it pretty much every day. There are so many types. I have found that my favorite is the kind with roasted flaxseeds in it. Soooo good. I usually eat it on celery sticks. Can you believe you exert more energy eating celery than it contains? I didn't. This means you could literally eat it nonstop for ever and loose weight. I don't know if I like it that much though. Every now and then I will indulge on some peanut butter on crackers. I am trying to limit it though. I have to cut those carbs. Unless I can find a low carb dessert.

The other new food I've been into is almonds. The Trader Joe's close to my apartment has almonds 20 ways. They are a great low carb snack, just make sure you do not eat too many, they are surprisingly caloric for the amount in a serving. I have to portion them out. Either way, they sell plain raw, roasted, these amazing chili lime roasted ones, and almond butter. I was skeptical at first, but the almond butter tastes like heaven. If you have never tried it before, go get some! Make sure you portion though.

I seem to love the snack foods. It is hard for me to cook a huge meal, especially living alone. That could possibly be why I snack so much. Every now and again I will cook something big, and take it into work. Again Trader Joe's to the rescue. They have great pre-marinated meats and easy sides that you just have to heat. I'm not sure why they are not more popular. It is all at a reasonable price too. The last meal I cooked was seriously low carb and seriously healthy. They had some marinated fish in the frozen section and some vegetables with mushrooms in a sauce. The whole meal took about an half an hour to make, most of the time was waiting for the fish to bake. It was sooooo good. I had my friend wendy over to eat and she was floored at my skills... Well, Trader Joe's skills. Don't tell her...

The last thing I need to kick on my low carb diet is the Diet Coke I seem to have wanted from birth. I know it is 0 calorie and 0 sugar, but carbonated aspartame cannot be good for you on a daily intake. 

Whew, well I have to go and get ready some more, keep in tune for more low carb goodies! 

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